1. Provision Of Relevant Species Of Snails For Farming, Consumption and Export - Achatina Achatina, Arcachatina Marginata, Etc.
2. Construction of Snail Pen/Farms for Prospective Farmers Across Nigeria.
3. Meeting Demand Of Hotels, Eateries, Fast Food Restaurants, and Club Houses Etc For Their Snails Supplies In Large Quantities.
4. One-on-One or Group Training for Would Be Snail Farmers, in our Farm.
5. Providing Avenue for Industrial Training on Snail Farming technology in Nigeria to Students/Graduates from Various Higher Institutions in Nigeria.
6. Provision of Training Materials on All Aspects of Snail Farming In Nigeria and At International Level.
7. Assisting Exporters of Snails on the Know How of Going About Snail Exportation From Nigeria.
8. Continue Research Into Snail Farming, Working With Government Parastatals And Universities on New Development In Snail Farming Industry.
9. Organizing Workshop, Seminars and Lectures on Practical Snail Farming Business
We Can Help Construct Your Farm for You in any Location in Nigeria.

Get the breeding stock for N200
Snails are creeping wild African animals with well developed spiral shell cover. They are classified generally as terrestrial gastropod molasses and are popularly known as “Congo Meat” they are forest animals predominantly found in the low-land rain forest region of West Africa: High humidity and Shady canopy are required for the continued existence and biological activities of snails. Snails are found particularly plentiful in the rainy season among damp vegetation and hollows.
In Africa South of the Sahara, India, France and Britain snails “Congo Meat” have become very popular in both urban and rural areas. When the rains are heaviest and the annual floods are very high, snails climb the branches of trees and hide within holes in order to avoid the flooded marshes. In the dry season they also avoid the direct light and heat and creep under leaves or stay in dark and shady places for cover.
The benefits of snail farming are as follow:
As a delicacy, snail meat is popularly accepted all over Nigeria with no religious/tribal reject. Hence it finds a ready market all over the Nation and West African region.
The business of producing, processing, transporting, storing, financing and servicing snail products should give employment to many people.
Rearing of snail for local consumption will decrease importation of frozen fish, chicken and turkey into the country and producing snail for export will greatly enhance the economic potential.
It will firm up the Naira, improve the GDP, reduce both inflation and create more jobs for Nigerians. Over a million jobs can be created in snail industry alone.
Snail farming can be very profitable in Nigeria.
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Adeniyi Sola Bunmi's photo.